
LOOP Buy Now, Pay Later

At times, it may not be possible to immediately pay the full amount for the product that you have your eye on, especially if most of your money is already locked in savings or accounted for on your budget.

The LOOP Buy Now Pay Later (BNLP) service enables you to easily shop for what you want immediately and pay for it in manageable instalments at your preferred pace.

Set up as an additional source of cash outside your overdraft and loans, BNPL is designed to enable you to get the product or service you need without worrying about using all your available cash.


Why use the LOOP Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)?

Get access to an extra line of cash when you need to buy large items but are short of cash

Enjoy discreet payments straight to the merchant with instant approval of your borrowed amount through your app

Enjoy manageable payments instalments designed to help you repay without impacting your lifestyle

Request a callback for more information on this product.

mid loop lines


BNPL {Buy Now Pay Later} is a payment option available to Loop customers enabling them to acquire goods on credit. The Bank shall make full payment for goods to the merchant and charge you with interest over a period.

We offer you the option of purchasing an item on loan and paying the loan in installments. Through the BNPL offering, you are able complete a purchase from LOOP merchants via your allocated Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) credit limits.

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