
LOOP Points

Earn LOOP Points every time you make a transaction using the LOOP app, which you get to accumulate and redeem for fantastic rewards and offers.

LOOP Points are rewarded whenever you use the LOOP app to pay bills, purchase airtime, transfer funds to LOOP or any bank account, borrow a LOOP Term Loan or take a LOOP Overdraft, and when you make a purchase using the LOOP Buy Now Pay Later service.

What is great about LOOP Points is that you get to redeem the accumulated points for everyday transactions on the LOOP app and you get to save on cash.

You get to spend your earned LOOP Points on amazing LOOP Deals, including shopping for goods and services offered by merchants listed on LOOP such as electronics, household appliances, mobile phones, travel plans, hotel accommodation, car hire, fashion outfits and shoes, jewelry, and much more.

The more you transact with LOOP, the more points you earn.


Why Earn LOOP Points?

Earn LOOP Points every time you make a transaction using the LOOP app

Redeem your accumulated LOOP Points for amazing rewards and offers from LOOP merchant partners

The more you transact with LOOP, the more points you earn, and the more you save on cash when you redeem LOOP points during your next purchase

Request a callback for more information on this product.

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